Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Winter Time

I don't know why anyone likes the winter. It's cold, rainy, wet, your face freezes, everyone is sick and miserable . . . I just don't get it. I miss the summer already! Floating in the pool, wearing shorts, days when sunglasses are necessary with an outfit - oh how I miss it!

Today I had a student who was reading a part in a play. He had to stop every line to sniffle, wipe his nose with his sleeve, cough or sneeze. It was making me crazy! I made the kid next to him move and hand sanitize, I was afraid for his health! I am also afraid for the student who sat in that same seat the next hour . . . and used that same book to read from!

I hate flu season, it makes me crazy. I get so paranoid that I'm getting sick, I always think my throat hurts or my nose is runny. Eb has a cold but is fighting it with Cold Ease and now my throat hurts. The window where I lay on the couch is a single paned old window, it's real drafty and makes me cold even under a blanket with 4 dogs laying on me! Ugh.

These winter days make me want to stay home and cuddle under my electric blanket and lay with Eb and the dogs on the big ottoman. I hate that I have to wake up and get dressed and fight the cold to get to work. Work! Who needs it!

The countdown to winter break is on, then it will be lazy days for 2 weeks. I can't wait! I swear teachers wait for breaks more than students do, it's our time to unwind, reflect and recoup. I love coming back in January and missing the kids (not until I see them, of course) and hearing about what they've been doing. It is a good feeling, a new year. A fresh start.

Let's just hope I don't get sick . . .

1 comment:

- D - said...

Love it Ali! Congrats to you guys on the cakes...the tuxedo one is my fav.

Love ya,

~ Danielle

P.S. Your blog has a link now on :)